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Class Restructuring
Published on Sep 14, 2016 21:33


As mentioned in June, our class lists are temporary until the School Board confirms our staffing in September.  We are now faced with a situation that requires us to reorganize some of our classrooms and teaching staff. This is due to the fact that we have more students enrolled in the school than had been projected in the spring.  The impact this year is less significant than it has been in the past.  Only some students from some classes between Grades 1 and 4 will be impacted by changes. This could affect your child(ren) in terms of changing teachers and/or classrooms or it could change the nature of your child’s class to a combined grade.

As with any change, we recognize that your child may take some time to adjust to this reorganization.  Our hope is that by working together as a community, and having a positive approach to this change, your child will settle into a new routine in a short period of time.  

At the school, a team consisting of the principal, special education resource teachers and classroom teachers have developed revised class lists.  There are many factors taken into consideration when class lists are developed.  These include: the needs of the individual child, a balance of male and female students, a range of abilities, the number of students in each class and the special education needs of each class.

Tomorrow, students who are moving from their current class will be informed of the changes.  All students will receive a letter confirming their classroom placement to take home to their parents.   It is our plan to have students move their belongings to the new class by midday and continue in their new classes for the remainder of the day.   

We appreciate the support this school community provides as we accommodate our students and their needs.  Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Mrs. Smith